
Partners In Health (PIH) Malawi, locally known as Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo (APZU), is a local non-governmental organization (NGO) which has accompanied the Ministry of Health (MoH) in creating a preferential option for the poor in health care since 2007. 

The partnership is aimed at strengthening health services in Neno, a rural district in the southern part of Malawi, and other districts where PIH Malawi provides targeted services. PIH Malawi is a sister organization to PIH, an international organization that fights injustice by bringing the benefits of modern medical science to the most vulnerable communities.

The Community Health Workers Household Model Program is a program run by Partners in Health that focuses on four key facets of health. The areas of focus are case finding, Linkage to care, providing ongoing support, and accompaniment of clients in care and health education.

Community Programs plays a vital role in health promotion, demand creation, and emergency response: By engaging communities, conducting dialogue sessions, utilizing mobile vans, and implementing targeted interventions like SHARC and SKILLZ BLA, CP strives to improve health outcomes and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.

HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) is a program under the chronic care unit that focuses more on case finding or diagnosing and tracing to keep HIV and TB clients in care. HIV and TB coordinators conduct facility, community, and home visits to trace those who have missed clinic appointments, defaulted, or stopped treatment. The aim is to bring such clients back into care to continue with treatment.

Medical Education program has centralizes training for healthcare workers. Launched in 2022, it supports doctors, nurses, and students by coordinating professional development activities. The program aims to make Neno a leading center for medical education within the country.

Due to the pivotal role mental health plays in the lives of people, PIH Malawi is taking steps to prioritize and promote mental health. The Mental Health program aims to create a supportive and accessible mental health system within Neno district. 



Palliative care is a program under the Chronic Care Unit at PIH Malawi delivered in a holistic approach that focuses on physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of people’s lives. It is a multi-disciplinary approach, which affirms life and death as normal processes. The program looks at chronic conditions like cancers, cardiovascular diseases, neurological problems, chronic respiratory problems, congenital problems, gastrointestinal problems, cancers, and HIV. 

PDC is a department within PIH Malawi that ensures children receive the care they need to thrive physically, cognitively, and emotionally. PDC aims to enhance the quality of life for children up to the age of 5. 

PEN-Plus is a transformative strategy aiming to enhance care quality for severe NCDs at primary referral facilities while decentralizing services for common NCDs at primary care facilities. By addressing a wide range of conditions and providing ongoing support, PEN-Plus clinics are making a positive impact on the lives of individuals living with chronic NCDs.  

The Program on Social and Economic Rights (POSER) is a cross-cutting program within Partners In Health (PIH) that aims to empower clients by addressing their social determinants of health (SDOH) and supporting them to live with greater dignity, security, and independence

Safeguarding is a critical area within PIH. Safeguarding ensures that all PIH stakeholders are safe from all forms of maltreatment, including SEAH.